Friday, July 5, 2013

The races in Lima,Ohio.

Sun was out when we left everything was great.
What I felt like.
This was the way it went for the rest of the weekend.
Not really sure.
Ready for a soggy ride home.
George's fork leak fix didn't hold up.
Problem solved, ready to ride again.
Went to Lima,Ohio for the flat track races this past weekend. We left under sun and blue skies which we had until 25 miles out of Lima, where the sky opened up really angry like. That was to be the weather for the rest of the weekend in Lima. After checking in and drying out some, we were informed the races were canceled for Saturday, but were to be run starting early Sunday. So what were we to do but drink. After lots of laughs and a 30 pack of PBR in the room, we headed down to the hotel bar where we drank the rest of the night with the racers who were all pretty crazy (go figure). They were buying us drinks and we all had a good time despite the canceled races. Sunday found us with hangovers and it was still raining, so the races were officially canceled. Nothing to do now but head for home in the rain. About 20 miles down the road, the rain stopped and the sun came out. The weather stayed that way all the way to Rodgers, Ohio, where we got pounded with rain bad. All in all it was still a great time 508 miles of riding, and lots of laughs. You can't let the rain dictate your life just get out and ride.            Posted by Doug.

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