Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial day

This memorial day i did what i've done since 98. I rode out to the motorcycle memorial at the American Legion grounds in Hopedale Ohio. If you never been it is a must do. It's open to public all year long. I know many names on the wall from many years being in this lifestyle. Some where close friends, some where a people i have just shared a few beers with and laughs along the way. Although these brothers and sisters are gone. Every time i visit. I can feel there presence. Maybe in the sun peeking out of the grey sky or the sound of drag pipes in the distance. This wall gets bigger every year. Though that is sad. Having a memorial to honor those who share this love of riding makes me proud of the lifestyle that chose me to be apart of it.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mark your calender.

Be sure to make your plans for this must do event. We will be staying at the Sea Gull motel.