Sunday, March 18, 2012

sunday scootin

first gas stop,

checking in

worth stopping for

my lunch

dougs lunch.all 4 plates!

jeffs chile renero

beach club at the lake

first try at riding shot

view from above

upscale joint

staring at the fishes

think about it

the stop in mercer
Well we still are having unseasonaly warm temps for western Pa.Except for ten minutes of rain the day was great.We were joined by a extra rider today in the camera shy Jeff.So we took off from beaver county to points unknown.Since i pretty much became a amature weather person by the way of the intrernet.Me and Doug firgured heading due north was the logical direction.We were correct.So we ended up in the parking lot of a fine mexican joint in Meadville,Pa.Which happens to be the same chain of resturant that me and the ol'lady ate at in New Castle,Pa. last nite.From there it was decided to head to Conneiut Lake.There we stopped in the park for some photos and a quick burn then also stopping by Walts Tavern for some drinks.Pretty upscale joint compared to our low standards of dive bars.I would usally tell the route numbers that were traveled but i was not paying attention and Doug was leading.So from there the road took to the spillway at pymatuning{ican't spell that}to take some pics of the wild life.Then it time to head back home but before that it was a stop for some ice cold PBR in Mercer,Pa. and some much needed fuel for me.Which i need to tell yeah.Most people are thinking that motorcycles are cheap transportation which it is.Going 200miles it gets costly todays journey ran roughly 30bucks in gas.Thats saying something considering my tank only holds way lets jusy say money well spent.On a side note remember when every place you went in the ninties there were cookie cutter chopers?Now it is for sure now the yaers of the bagger for the past two times out everywhere i look was a street glide or road glide and i'm not saying a couple.I'm saying every fucking stop and to think i also am gulity of having one.But atleast its just one of the fleet and not my number one choice when i go for a ride.Yet i will ride it for certain applications for which i bought ti for.Basically for two up riding with my wife and poor weather.More one that at a later date.

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